Search for CIS questions.
Searches for CIS questions using the CIS search engine.
search_terms = NULL,
descriptor_code = NULL,
collection_code = NULL,
since_date = NULL,
until_date = NULL,
study_code = NULL,
since_study_code = NULL,
until_study_code = NULL,
scope_code = NULL
- search_terms
A string with the search terms.
- descriptor_code
A string (or a character vector if more than one) with the descriptor code. The descriptor code corresponds to the values of the
column in the data.frame output of theget_question_categories()
function.- collection_code
A string (or a character vector if more than one) with the collection code. The collection code corresponds to the values of the
column in the data.frame output of theget_study_colections()
function.- since_date
A string with the start date of the search in '%d-%m-%Y' format.
- until_date
A string with the end date of the search in '%d-%m-%Y' format.
- study_code
A string with the study code wanted.
- since_study_code
A string with the first study code wanted.
- until_study_code
A string with the last study code wanted.
- scope_code
Scope level code of the survey sample ("001" for national level, "002" for autonomical comunity level, etc...)
httr::set_config(httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
# Search by search terms
questions <- search_questions(search_terms = "feminismo")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#> id id_estudio codigo titulo fecha_estudio titulo_cuestionario series
#> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <list>
#> 1 491141 10002 2828/0 0010 Rasgos… 2010-01-09 BARÓMETRO DE ENERO… <NULL>
#> 2 485492 1384 2401/0 0025 Rasgos… 2000-12-09 25 AÑOS DESPUÉS <NULL>
#> 3 493678 1202 2212/0 0008 Sentim… 1996-04-13 BARÓMETRO DE ABRIL… <NULL>
#> 4 479219 1144 2154/0 0036 Rasgos… 1995-04-04 CULTURA POLÍTICA (… <NULL>
#> 5 449988 1008 2016/0 0026 Rasgos… 1992-07-09 BARÓMETRO DE JULIO… <NULL>
#> 6 452793 985 1993/0 0009 Sentim… 1992-02-27 BARÓMETRO DE FEBRE… <NULL>
# Narrow the search by dates
questions <- search_questions(search_terms = "feminismo", since_date = "01-01-2010")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#> id id_estudio codigo titulo fecha_estudio titulo_cuestionario series
#> <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <list>
#> 1 491141 10002 2828/0 0010 Rasgos… 2010-01-09 BARÓMETRO DE ENERO… <NULL>